Week 4, 10/23/2017

Hey everyone!

I am now in Virginia! Although the mission is called DC South, it borders right on DC. When we all got picked up at the airport we drove by the Washington Monument, and the Capital Building; both of them are right outside our mission's boundaries. We also saw the Pentagon which is in our mission.

My trainer's name is Elder Nielsen. Coincidentally he's from Surprise, Arizona. He has been in the field for about three months. He left on his mission right after high school. He's a hard worker and does everything he can to make sure that I am comfortable. From what I can tell so far I got lucky with my trainer.

The area is beautiful! Everything is green and hilly. It's kinda chilly in the mornings and at night. It makes for good sweater weather. Oh, and there are squirrels everywhere! Elder Nielsen probably is concerned for my mental well being, because I freak out every time I see a squirrel.

Unfortunately, because at this time of year, the sun sets at like 7:00 pm, there aren't many people out during the "prime contracting hours." I don't mind too much though. It's not about how many people you talk to, it's about doing the work.

The apartment is great! I sleep on a comfy twin bed with a fuzzy polar bear blanket. I have my own walk-in closet, desk, and recliner chair. It's awesome to take a shower in a private bathroom again. We also have a dishwasher, and washer and dryer in our apartment, and as far as I'm aware, that's the norm for this mission.

It has now been 3 weeks since I've drunk a soda. I would like to go my entire mission drinking no soda (unless I'm sick or its offered to me - you can't be rude, right?). I'll probably still drink it when I get home occasionally, but I would like to break the habit of drinking it all the time.

In other dietary news, I did not gain weight in the MTC! Take that patriarchy! I am eating dinner at members houses most nights now though, so I don't know if I can keep it up. Even though I'm just having cheap microwave food most of the time (except for the aforementioned meals at members' homes) I'm enjoying it so much more than the MTC cafeteria food. I've also been doing small workouts every morning. I hope to come home healthier than I left. If I can keep my weight down I should be on the right track.

Scripture of the week: "Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail." D&C 6:34

Stay safe and brush your teeth.
From -Eli

A few shots from the MTC

 The Elder in the white/gray shirt is Benson. I told you about him a bit. He's dyslexic like me. He has an amazing testimony. He was supposed to leave on his mission 3 months ago, but he got hit by a car and messed up his leg. He told us he's glad that the accident happened because he wouldn't have met us if it didn't. He likes running track and cross country. He has a scholarship at NAU for when he gets back. He is currently serving in Hawaii.

The Elder with the huge arm is Stewart. He is from Texas and possibly one of the best people I've ever met. No joke he's great. We got very close in the MTC, and made a deal that when we get back to TX we are going to meet up. He is in Chicago right now.
 Elder Neilsen
 Elder Neilsen, my trainer, and his trainer, or my "grandpa"

All the new missionaries in the Washington DC South Mission.
