Week 2 - 10/7/2017 (pretty much all about food)
All the missionaries in the MTC say that once you make it through your first week you own the MTC and the rest of your time in it flies by. I can attest the truth of that. The first week was long and hard. If it weren't for my awesome zone and even more awesome district, and how much the Holy Ghost helped me through it, I would probably have run to Hannah's apartment crying on the second day.
The other thing everyone says about the MTC is not to drink the orange juice because it will make you sick. For any soon to be missionaries know that this one is not true. My companion, Elder Covington, and a few other Elders in my zone have all tried it and been fine.
I can't help but feel like God is trying to improve mine and Elder Benson's reading skills. We are both dyslexic, and end up spending a lot of our day reading. Both of us were asked by the special education office in the MTC if we would like tutoring. I was told that I was doing very well for my disability and was given some small advice to help my reading. But both Elder Benson and I decided not to take the class. I know that Elder Benson has improved since his first day, and I hope he can say the same for me.
The entire MTC plays a game called "Spooning." It is not what it sounds like. When you are in the cafeteria you grab a spoon and put it in your pocket. When you see an Elder with their guard down you sneak the spoon into one of their pockets. The sisters don't play this game because they don't have pockets most of the time.
Speaking of the cafeteria I'm sure that you have either heard that the food in the MTC is great or awful. Well... It's both. There are some meals that taste almost as good as Ginger's cooking, and they have pizza Friday and a lot of white rice. But most the time it is bland chicken. So Much Chicken! Luckily they serve two or more meals at once so that you can pick what you want, and if it is all bad they have a wall of cereal. One of my roommates, Elder Winters, eats a salad for almost every meal.
I would say more but lunch is about to start and I am starving! Expect more emails and stay safe
-Elder LaFond
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