Week 3 - 10/14/2017
This is my last week at the MTC. This time Monday I will be in the DC South Mission. I have loved my time here at the MTC and I'm going to miss my fellow Elders so much. I never thought that I would have to say such a hard goodbye after saying goodbye to my Mom and Dad. But everyone in the zone is so great that Sunday night is going to be full of manly tears. Luckily all my roommates and some other Elders and Sisters in my zone will be going to DC with me. Our flight will have 21 missionaries on it.
Honestly, me and all of the Elders in the zone are SO sick of the MTC food. I have no idea how people who are in the MTC for 9 weeks survive. I was so happy to get a box full of the world's best cookies. One Elder, Holest, was very appreciative of the cookies as well. It hit me that I will not have fresh-baked world's best cookies for 2 years.
On Tuesday night we had D. Todd Christopherson come and give us a devotional about the production of the Book Of Mormon from the time of Joseph Smith to now. He brought the copy of the Book Of Mormon that Joseph Smith's mom used. It was cool to see a piece of church history like that.
As awesome as it was to be in the same room as one of the twelve, it wasn't as cool as our impromptu testimony meeting. Yesterday, on our last day of class with our morning teacher we all took turns talking about how much we love each other and how much we have grown and will continue to grow on our missions. Any of you that have seen me share my testimony know that I cry, and this was no exception. I would have you know that I was not the only one.
If there are any crazy spelling errors in this Email it is because I am distracted, our zone leader Elder Orm is reading his emails out loud in a Zoolander voice.
Also, my Pday will change to Monday in DC. I don't know if I will be sending a big letter in two days or just email my Mom. But either way, I love you all stay safe and fun.
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